Monday, January 23, 2012

Eat. Sleep. Dance. Repeat.

Dance=My Life

Yes, I'm With The Band...

On January 14, 2012, Ellen And I went to the He is We, The Summer Set, Days Difference, Paradise Fears, And The Cab concert!!! It was Soooo much fun!!! Definitely worth the money. We met up with Paige, Shaye, Natalie, and Alex :) We bought our shirts, and then started the concert off at the back of the crowd. With each band however, we got closer and closer, and by the last two bands, we were practically on stage we were so close! I have never had more fun in my life!!

After all that craziness, me and Ellen just sat in my car for about 15 minutes until our legs hurt less, and we could actually hear again... While sitting there, we both stop breathing when the lead singer, and drummer of Days Difference walked by my car!! Ellen honked the horn; they waved at us. I asked them if we could take a picture with them; next thing we know we are having a legit conversation with them!! The drummer made fun of me for being barefoot, and attempted to steal Ellen's drumstick...jk he wasn't trying to steal it haha but i could not have imagined ending the night any better <3

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My very " Cliche' " winter break.

In my English class we had to write a page on our winter break with 10 cliche's included. After i wrote it all down i realized how abnormal my winter break truly was haha. So here is my winter break in 250 words:)

This winter break was quite an eventful one, but not in the way you would think. I started it off by breaking my nose; but you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet right? So I took it like a man, figuratively speaking of course, and went on with the show! Did I mention it was in the middle of a dance when I smacked my face on the ground and broke my nose? Oh well, that’s showbiz. Well since I survived that incident, I decided to take on another mission: buying all the Christmas presents for my whole family under 120 dollars. Keep in mind that I have more nieces and nephews than you can shake a stick at. So I cashed the money and went on my way. Before I knew it I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to find all these gifts within my budget. However, a penny saved is a penny earned, and all those saved pennies added up and I managed to achieve my goal. I spent 120 dollars on 16 adults and 25 kids. Success? I think yes. Now, with the stress of shopping blown over, I was able to relax and enjoy the holiday. However, the day after Christmas I became sick as a dog. For pretty much the whole second week of break I had a newfound friendship with my bed and my couch. What the Stomach Flu didn’t know though, is that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. I took medicine, and I tried many homemade remedies, because I was determined to be better by New Years. I managed to get better in time for a New Years party that I had been looking forward to for quite some time. This party was more fun than a barrel of monkeys. I danced the old year away, and welcomed in the new one with great music and great friends. I wouldn’t change a thing about my winter break, because when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Monday, January 2, 2012

It's a New Year!

2011 went by so fast! But this year is the year. I graduate this year, i start college this year (however i don't know where i'm going to college... but still) i turn 18 this year, i start my life as an adult this year, and like everybody else, i have new goals for this year. 2012 is gonna be the best and i'm going to make sure of it! I'm going to start so many new adventures what with traveling, and seeing the world and everything it has to offer. Except i still have a full semester of high school left:/ so most of that is going to have to wait... but i will still live my life to the fullest and have fun! bring it on 2012!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Life in the Fast Lane

life as a senior is a lot crazier than it seems. When you're a lower class man,you look up at the seniors and think, "Oh,how i wish i could be them, Barley any classes, partying all the time, and just get to live the easy life..." oh boy did i get an awakening at the beginning of this school year. Full schedule, i may get little homework, but when i do, it's hard, not enough time on the weekends to party, work, responsibilities, do i have enough credits? cap and gown. Do i want a class ring? college applications. Do i even want to go to college? If so which one? Long story short... it's not as easy as it looks. My life has been so busy, i feel like i have no time to myself. It seems like all i do is wake up, go to school, dance, do homework, dance some more, work, and then sleep. No time for a social life, that's for sure. However, it's been a full semester of my senior year, and looking back, i wouldn't change a thing. Sure it's been crazy, and sure its brought a lot of stress, but i would've missed out on so many opportunities, not have any of the experiences that I've had. Sometimes it's good to have a hectic life because then you can't say that you did nothing with your life. You can say, I did all i could do, and still want to do more. We are who we are because of what we do and what we experience. And what it is to say, "I've lived my life in the fast lane."

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What happens to you makes you who you are:)

in the last couple of months a lot has happened. I have been through so much, but each thing has made me stronger. I spent my spring break doing the same thing everyday, that consisted of sleeping in my RV out front of my house with my best friend:) every night.. haha! Watching good, uplifting movies..(one of which was watched over, and over, and over again:)haha) Getting as tan (well, burned..) as much as we could, and last, but definitely not least, going to the temple and doing baptisms for the dead every night that the temple was open. It was such a great experience. being in the temple is such a great feeling because you know without a shadow of a doubt that you are in the right place, and that you are doing what it takes to be able to gain the blessings of the temple. After that amazing spring break, school started again :( same old school, same crazy days, until two weeks ago, this sweet little boy named Ethan Ellsworth suffered and aneurysm in his brain stem. This little boy was the funniest, sweetest funnest, most outgoing boy you'd ever meet. He fought for his life but nothing got better, he passed away on March 26, 2011. Everyone was broken hearted and had a hard time with the passing of this little boy. The funeral was held on March 30, 2011 and it was such a beautiful service that was held in remembrance of Ethan. But while going through this i was able to have the comforting feeling of knowing that he went straight the Celestial kingdom. And he will always be with us comforting us and watching over us, and because of this we have all grown stronger, and closer together. And with that happening i was happy to have listened to a general authority talk about how the only premature death is that of whom is not prepared to meet god. and it helped me realize that it wasn't premature, it was what he came here to do. These past two days have been General conference and each and every talk has been truly inspiring. I love this church and the blessings and knowledge that come with it. WE may go through hard times and think that we may never get through them, but we will, and we will come out of them stronger than we were before:)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Reflect On Eternity

so there was a fireside tonight on dating and it was alot of fun and answered alot of questions i have had on dating because i have never really fully understood the boundaries on dating and while the "Panel" was answering questions they all up leading to the same thing, eternity. "Should you date someone who is not LDS?" "It's not a sin but who you date is who you marry and you want to marry someone with the same standards as you to be sealed for all eternity." "Is it a sin to kiss before you are thinking of marriage?" "No, it is not a sin, you just have to set boundaries because kissing sets an emotional bond that leads to another thing and you don't want to lower your standards because you want to always have the goal of eternity set in sight." all the questions were answered pretty much the same and i really made me realize, these boundaries aren't to torture us they are to help us. they are to guide us in a direction we want to go and helps us to stay on the path of righteousness. they all pertain to different areas of dating but they all protect the same thing. D&C 131:1-4 talks about how in the celestial kingdom there are three degrees of glory and in order to recieve the highest degree you must enter into into the new and everlasting covenant of marriage. That is why i will strive for nothing less than a temple marriage. It is were i can be sealed to my family for time and all eternity. my standards are high and i know it's going to be tough to live by them but if it were easy, it wouldn't be worth it.